Case Study
Stars! 2.0
Change the ||game:on game update||
event that creates stars in the star
namespace to an ||game:on game update interval||
event with an interval of 200ms.
Change the ||math:percent chance||
from 10 to 50 percent,
as this event will occur less often than the ||game:on game update||
Enemy AI
Currently, the ‘enemy’ in the game doesn’t do much - it is created,
and moves down the screen, and the gets destroyed automatically.
In this task, you will start to make the enemy more interesting.
First, you will need to keep a reference to the enemy -
store the result of the call to createEnemy
in the
variable ||variables:myEnemy||
Use an ||game:on game update interval||
event with an interval
of 200ms to control the enemy.
In this, use a ||math:percent chance||
and ||logic:if statement||
to create a ||sprites:projectile||
from ||variables:myEnemy||
with a 10% chance.
This projectile should be of kind EnemyLaser
, and have a ||sprites:vy||
of 70.
Next, you need to make the enemy follow the player.
This can be done by changing the ||sprites:vx||
to make it move in
the direction of the player’s ship:
in the ||game:on game update interval||
compare ||variables:myEnemy||
and ||variables:ship.player||
‘s ||sprites:x positions||
is less than ship.player.x
set myEnemy.vx
to 15; ||logic:else||
, set it to -15.
namespace SpriteKind {
export const Asteroid = SpriteKind.create();
export const PowerUp = SpriteKind.create();
export const Laser = SpriteKind.create();
export const Star = SpriteKind.create();
namespace star {
game.onUpdateInterval(200, function () {
if (Math.percentChance(50)) {
let star = sprites.createProjectile(img`1`, 0, 50, SpriteKind.Star);
star.x = randint(0, screen.width);
star.setFlag(SpriteFlag.Ghost, true);
star.z = -1;
* Creates and controls the enemies in the game
namespace enemy {
let myEnemy = createEnemy();
* @returns an enemy sprite that is positioned at the top of the screen
function createEnemy(): Sprite {
let enemy = sprites.create(spritesheet.enemy, SpriteKind.Enemy);
setPosition(enemy, 10);
enemy.vy = 10;
return enemy;
game.onUpdateInterval(200, function () {
// Create a laser 10% of the time
if (Math.percentChance(10)) {
sprites.createProjectile(img`3`, 0, 70, SpriteKind.EnemyLaser, myEnemy);
// follow the player
if (myEnemy.x < ship.player.x) {
myEnemy.vx = 15;
} else {
myEnemy.vx = -15;