Activity: Info Events

The ||info:Info|| category has three values that it can keep track of by default: a player’s ||info:score|| and ||info:health||, as well as a ||info:countdown|| for the game.

In addition to keeping track of those values, it also allows for a few interesting events: ||info:on life zero|| and ||info:on countdown end||. These events allow you to override the default behavior of ending the game when the values hit zero.

Concept: ||info:Life||, ||info:Score||, and ||info:Countdown||s

The values in the ||info:info|| can be modified using a few different methods.

Example #1a: Setting the Score (and Life)

  1. Review the code below
  2. Identify which sections are used to modify the ||info:score||
  3. Identify which sections are used to modify the ||info:life||

controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {

controller.B.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {

Example #1b: Counting Down

  1. Review the code below
  2. Identify which sections are used to create a ||info:countdown||
  3. Identify how the game is played: what is the goal?

controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {


Student Task #1: Losing Life

Animation of initial code below

  1. Review the code below, and copy it into a new project
  2. Set the ||info:life|| to 100 to start
  3. Modify the ||sprites:Overlap|| event so that it will ||info:info.changeScoreBy|| -1 when the ||sprites:Player|| ||sprites:overlaps|| with the ||sprites:Enemy||
  4. Challenge: currently, the ||sprites:overlap|| event will continue to take away life each ||game:game update|| where the ||sprites:sprites|| overlap. To fix this, make one of the ||sprites:sprites|| a ||sprites:Ghost||, ||loops:pause|| for 500 ms, and then turn off ||sprites:Ghost||, so that the ||sprites:overlap|| event will only trigger once every 500 ms

Notice that this is the same snippet from the examples in the Overlap Events section.

let mySprite = sprites.create(img`
    1 1 1
`, SpriteKind.Player);
controller.moveSprite(mySprite, 100, 100);

let enemy = sprites.create(img`
    5 2 5
    2 5 2
    5 2 5
`, SpriteKind.Enemy);
enemy.x += 50;

sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Enemy, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {
    sprite.say("ouch!", 250);

Concept: ||info:Info|| Events

By default, getting down to 0 ||info:lives|| or running out of time for a ||info:countdown|| causes a ||game:game over||. If a game requires a different behavior for this situation, then this behavior can be handled using one of two events: ||info:info.onLifeZero|| and ||info:info.onCountdownEnd||.

Example #2: Running out of Lives

Animation of example being with life going down

  1. Review the code below
  2. Identify how the ||info:info.onLifeZero|| changes the behavior of the game

controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {

controller.B.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {

info.onLifeZero(function () {
    if (game.ask("Do you want to continue?")) {
    } else {

Student Task #2: Loss Animation

  1. Start with the code from task #1
  2. Add an ||info:on life zero|| event, which turns ||variables:mySprite|| into a ||sprites:Ghost||
  3. Use ||game:game.splash|| to display “Oh no, I have lost…”
  4. After the ||game:splash screen||, end the game with ||game:game.over||

If you completed the challenge in task #1, you will likely want to lower the initial ||info:life|| to about 5 to verify your ||info:on life zero|| event is working properly.

Student Task #3: More Time!

  1. Start with the code from task #2
  2. Add a ||info:countdown|| that starts at 20 seconds
  3. Add an ||info:on countdown end|| event
  4. In the ||info:on countdown end|| event, make ||variables:mySprite|| ||sprites:say|| “Oops, I need more time!” for 1000 ms
  5. In the ||info:on countdown end|| event, start a new ||info:countdown|| with 20 seconds

What did we learn?

  1. How are the properties in the ||info:Info|| category different from the ||variables:Variables|| we create?
  2. How do the ||info:Info|| events add more options to the games we create?

Before moving on to the next lesson, it is recommended that you check out the selected problems for this section to review the material and practice the concepts introduced in this section.

Case Study

Taking Damage

In the ||info:on overlap|| event between Player and EnemyLaser ||sprites:sprites||, make the player lose health by changing their life by -1.


In the ||info:on overlap|| event between one of the player’s Lasers and other ||sprites:sprites|| that they destroy (Asteroid and Enemy), increase the player’s score by 1.


Create an ||info:on life zero|| event in the status namespace. In the case that this occurs, use ||game:game.ask|| to ask the user if they wish to continue playing (and note that it will cost them 50 points).

||logic:if|| they respond that they wish to continue, set their life to 3 and change their score by -50 as a penalty.

Otherwise, end the game with ||game:game.over||.


namespace overlapevents {
    // When the player hits an asteroid, damage the player and destroy the asteroid
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Asteroid, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {

    // When the player hits an enemy, damage the player and destroy the enemy
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Enemy, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {

    // When a laser hits an asteroid, destroy both sprites
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Laser, SpriteKind.Asteroid, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {
        otherSprite.destroy(, 200);

    // When a laser hits an enemy, destroy both sprites
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Laser, SpriteKind.Enemy, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {

    // When an  enemy laser hits the player, destroy the laser, say "ow!", and lose life
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.EnemyLaser, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {
        sprite.say("ow!", 500);

namespace status {
    info.onLifeZero(function () {
        let playerContinue = game.ask("Continue?", "Cost: 50 points");
        if (playerContinue) {
        } else {